

There are a whopping 2.14 billion people shopping online right now all around the globe. And get this: by 2024, a massive 40.4% of all online shopping is going to be happening on mobile phones.

The current survey reveals that 60% of consumers prefer mobile shopping apps over mobile sites for a better user experience. Just like that, the page where you see a product in a shopping app can also affect how much 

people buy. It is the focal point where customers make their purchasing decision. So the content on it and how you structure it really matters. 

In this post, we will share how to create your mobile app product page content for higher conversions.  

How to create mobile app product page content?

Here is the list of things to consider while creating mobile app product page content to engage buyers better: 

1. Mention the brand name 

mobile app product page example
Using the brand name on mobile app product page

The brand name establishes the identity and reputation of the product. It gives customers a sense of familiarity and trust. When creating product page content, prominently display the brand name at the top of the page. This helps customers quickly recognize the source of the product and its associated quality. 

A consistent and recognizable brand presence on the mobile app product page can enhance customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.

2. Give the product a clear name 

mobile app product page example
Using a clear product name on the mobile app product page

The product name is the focal point of your mobile app product page. It should be clear, concise, and descriptive, conveying the essence of the product's features, benefits, or purpose. 

A well-crafted product name captivates users' interest and makes them curious to learn more. Choose words that resonate with your target audience and reflect the product's unique selling points. A compelling product name sets the stage for the rest of the content and draws users in.

3. Mention the product pricing

mobile app product page example
Clarifying the product pricing on the mobile app product page

Displaying the product's pricing prominently is essential for transparency and avoiding any surprises. Whether it's a fixed price or a range of pricing options, clarity is key. Include any discounts, special offers, or bundles if applicable on the mobile app product page.

Pricing information influences customers' purchase decisions, so it's important to make it easily accessible and understandable. If the price is competitive or if there's a limited-time offer, highlighting this information can create a sense of urgency and entice users to take action.

4. Add a variant selector 

mobile app product page example
Adding a variant selector on mobile app product page

Adding a variant selector on mobile app product page

If your product comes in different variations, such as sizes, colors, or features, a variant selector helps users customize their purchase. 

Presenting these options in a user-friendly manner is crucial. Use dropdowns, swatches, or buttons for selection, and ensure that it's clear how each choice affects the product. This enhances the user experience by making it easy for customers to find and purchase the exact variant they want. 

A well-designed variant selector on the mobile app product page can reduce confusion and friction during the buying process.

5. Include multiple product images

Leveraging multiple product images on the mobile app product page

High-quality product images are the visual representation of your offering on the mobile app product page. 

They provide customers with a tangible understanding of what they're considering buying. Include multiple images from different angles, showing key features and details. 

Use zoom functionality to allow users to inspect the product closely. Images should be clear, well-lit, and reflective of the actual product. Lifestyle images or context-based visuals can also help customers envision how the product fits into their lives. 

Remember that on a mobile app, space is limited, so prioritize impactful images that showcase the product effectively.

6. Include product videos

Leveraging product videos on the mobile app product page

Incorporating a product video on your mobile app product page is essential for engaging users effectively. A well-crafted video can demonstrate the product's features, benefits, and usage scenarios, providing a more dynamic and immersive experience compared to static images or text. The video should be concise yet comprehensive, highlighting the product's unique selling points and addressing user pain points. 

Make sure the video is of high quality and optimized for mobile viewing, with clear visuals and compelling narration. An engaging product video can captivate users, increase their understanding of the product, and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.

7. Display product ratings

mobile app product page example
Utilizing ratings on the mobile app product page

Utilizing ratings on the mobile app product page

Displaying product ratings on your mobile app product page adds social proof and builds trust among potential customers. Ratings provide an at-a-glance overview of how other users perceive the product's quality and performance. Higher ratings suggest user satisfaction and encourage new customers to try the product. 

Ensure that the rating system is easily visible and well-integrated into the page design. Encourage existing users to leave reviews and ratings to continually improve the credibility of your products. 

Responding to both positive and negative reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving user experiences.

8. Show product reviews

Utilizing product reviews on the mobile app product page

Product reviews offer valuable insights into the real-world experiences of customers who have purchased and used the product. These reviews on the mobile app product page provide potential buyers with more detailed information about the product's strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for their needs. Including a selection of well-organized product reviews on the mobile app page can help users make informed decisions. 

Reviews should be easy to read, sortable by various criteria, and supplemented with features like helpfulness ratings and reviewer profiles. 

Address any negative reviews professionally and transparently, showing potential customers your dedication to customer satisfaction.

9. Clearly show the offer available 

Displaying the discount offer clearly on the mobile app product page

Featuring a discount or special offer prominently on the mobile app product page can create a sense of urgency and incentivize users to take immediate action. 

A well-designed discount banner or notification can catch users' attention and encourage them to explore the product further. Clearly state the discount value, any applicable conditions, and the expiration date of the offer. Limited-time offers can create a feeling of exclusivity and drive conversions. 

However, ensure that the discount aligns with your pricing strategy and doesn't devalue your product in the long run.

10. Add as many product details

Adding a detailed product description to the mobile app product page

Comprehensive and organized product details on the mobile app product page are crucial for providing users with a clear understanding of the product's specifications, features, and benefits. 

Include relevant information such as product dimensions, materials, technical specifications, available variants, and compatibility details. Use concise yet informative descriptions, bullet points, and tables to present the details in a visually appealing manner. 

Prioritize the most important information, keeping in mind that users often skim through content on mobile devices.

Well-presented product details contribute to user confidence and aid their decision-making process.

11. Include clear call-to-actions

Adding clear call to actions to the mobile app product page

Call-to-actions (CTAs) on the mobile app product page are pivotal in guiding users toward desired actions on the product page. They are strategically placed buttons or links that prompt users to take specific steps, like “Add to Cart,” “Buy Now,” or “Learn More.” 

Effective CTAs are concise, visually distinct, and positioned prominently for easy visibility. They should use action-oriented language that communicates the value of the action and motivates users to engage. 

A well-crafted CTA significantly boosts conversion rates and drives user engagement.

12. Add material and care information 

mobile app product page example
Adding the product material information on the product description
Adding the product material information on the product description

Incorporating information about the product's materials and care instructions is crucial to providing customers with transparency and confidence in their purchase. 

Detail the materials used in the product's construction, explaining their quality and benefits. Additionally, include care instructions for mobile app product pages to help customers maintain the product's longevity. 

Clear and concise material and care information fosters trust, prevents customer dissatisfaction, and demonstrates your commitment to delivering a quality product.

13. Show product recommendations

mobile app product page example
Displaying product recommendations on the mobile app product page

Having product recommendations on the mobile app product page enhances the browsing experience and encourages upselling. 

These suggestions are based on user preferences, past purchases, or popular pairings. Incorporate a section that displays complementary or similar products, showcasing a variety of choices and encouraging users to explore further. 

This can lead to increased average order value and prolonged engagement on your app.

14. Add a delivery date checker

Using a delivery date checker on the mobile app product page

The delivery date checker allows customers to estimate when they can expect to receive their purchased item. 

By inputting their location or postal code on mobile app product pages, customers can view the estimated delivery time frame. Providing this feature is essential for managing customer expectations, especially for time-sensitive purchases. 

It enhances transparency and helps users plan accordingly, ultimately improving their shopping experience.

15. Display loyalty points (if and when applicable) 

mobile app product page example
Leveraging the loyalty points on the mobile app product page

Highlighting loyalty points or rewards programs on mobile app product pages encourage customer retention and repeat purchases. 

Outline how users can earn and redeem loyalty points on your app. Showcase the benefits of participating in the program, such as discounts, exclusive offers, or early access to new products. 

This fosters a sense of value and appreciation among customers, incentivizing them to choose your brand consistently and strengthening their loyalty over time.

Turn app sessions into sales with product page optimization 

An optimized product page helps in converting interest of the customers into purchasing intent. It is because when meticulously curated information is presented, you empower potential buyers to make well-informed purchase decisions. This not only influences their immediate choices but also shapes their overall experience with your brand. So, invest the effort to create engaging content, and watch as your app's success story unfolds.

Looking for a tool that can do all this on your behalf for your Shopify store mobile app? Shopney, a Shopify mobile app builder that helps you turn your online store into a mobile app in minutes. It comes with a design editor that lets you tailor the product pages and include our suggestions above to create engaging shopping experiences for mobile shoppers.